Religious works



Discover a unique church where Romanesque and Baroque art merge, with impressive altarpieces and sculptures. Visit in December for a local festival.
This parish church brings you closer to the two past splendours of Galician art, Romanesque and Baroque. Few Romanesque churches have come down to us without Baroque additions. In Santa Uxía both styles come together, the Romanesque in some sculpted pieces, such as the ram at the top, and the Baroque, in the profound reformation of its façade at the end of the 17th century and in the altarpieces inside. The church of Mougás was also donated to the monastery of Oia in 1137 under the name of the church of "Mogaes". Inside, in the main altarpiece, we can see St. Peter and St. Paul, as well as St. Uxía, St. Bernard, St. Francis and St. Ferdinand. In the side chapels are the altarpieces of the Rosary and of Carme, with San Antón and San Bieito.
St. Uxía: It is celebrated on 27th December.