Eating in Oia

For the best taste in the mouth

Picadero O Rancho

Picadero O Rancho

Discover the beauty of Galicia on horseback with personalised routes, from short rides to multi-day excursions, including visits to the Pozas de Mougás.
Picadero O Rancho is a team centre specialised in offering various equestrian alternatives in the community of Galicia.

The company's facilities are located in Santa María de Oia, just 10 minutes from the town of Baiona. These facilities have a shelter, a bar and a rest area, in order to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

The horse riding routes they offer range from short rides in the vicinity of their facilities to excursions of a whole day or even several days at a time, in order to get to know all the wonders that the surroundings of Galicia have to offer, such as the Pozas de Mougás.

So, if you are interested in any of the routes that Picadero O Rancho can offer you, do not hesitate to contact them so that they can give you all the information you need to know.